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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

Blwyddyn 5 a 6

Croeso i Flwyddyn 5 a 6
Dosbarth Mr. Barnes

Thank you for visiting our class page. Here you can find information about the class.


Being Ready to Learn

Children need to be ready to learn when they come into class each day, and we ask for your support with this.


In class, children have their own tray where they can keep items such as pencil cases, reading books and reading records. It is not necessary to buy a lot of equipment, but children will regularly need to use a blue handwriting pen (not biro), a pencil and an eraser.
Children are also welcome to bring other stationery if they wish.


Reading at home

Reading with, or encouraging your child to read regularly at home is the best way you can support us in school. We expect children to read regularly (at least four to five times a week) and all children have a school book to take home with them. Children will also read regularly in school, whether it is their own book or a class book. Depending upon their need, children will read their school/home reading book once a week, or less frequently with an adult in school. Children will also read their book to themselves, so will need to bring it into school each day.


Boom Reader

Children in Year 3 to 6 and their parents can now use Boom Reader to log reading. Boom Reader is a digital reading record that will allow us in school, you at home and children to log their reading. There are two ways of logging reading for your child. You can either use the web version or download the app. There is also a separate app for pupils to log their own reading if appropriate. If you would prefer to continue using the paper reading records then that is fine, just keep logging reading here and we will do the same in school.

Oxford Owl Logo

Reading with Oxford Owl

Please follow the link below to access online reading books to use at home. Select ‘My class login’ then enter:

username: minera5and6

password: Barnes

Epic Reading

There is a wide range of books available to read online.

You will need to enter the class code: ayd7163

Epic is only available during normal school hours.

Epic website

Google Play app

Apple app


Children learn and practise spelling patterns weekly in school using Read Write Inc. You can support your child at home with extra spelling practice by accessing the extra spelling activities. Please see the information in the booklet below. Feel free to use the activities from previous year groups to recap or consolidate. 


You will need to visit the Oxford Owl website and use the class log in:
Username: minera5and6

Password: Barnes

Number Fluency

Number fluency is getting an answer pretty quickly and with limited demands on ‘working memory.’ If children can commit key facts to long term memory, then working memory is freed to deeper and more complex learning. Number fluency is not a fixed ability: it can grow and develop through frequent opportunities to practise. Higher attainers in mathematics tend to use known facts.

To support children’s learning in mathematics we aim for children to be fluent in the following areas by the end of each year group:


Year 4 

  • recalling 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 multiplication tables; 

  • multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100; 

  • recalling simple conversions between units of measure for length; 

Year 5 

  • recalling all multiplication tables to 10 x 10; 

  • multiplying whole numbers and decimals by 10 and 100; 

  • recalling simple fraction and decimal equivalents; 

  • recalling simple conversions between units of measure for weight and capacity; 

Year 6 

  • recalling all multiplication tables to 12 x 12; 

  • finding 10% of a number; 

  • recalling simple fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. 

TT Rockstars


Pupils should log in to TT Rockstars using their personal log in details. We have had great success in learning multiplication tables with children who access TT Rockstars regularly. There are opportunities for children to play in school, but the more practise they get, the better.

Keeping Healthy

Please help us to promote a healthy lifestyle by providing your child with a healthy snack at break times. Children should have a water bottle in school, which can be refilled throughout the day; water bottles with closable lids can be kept on children’s desks during lessons.



Supporting Cymraeg

How can I help my child?

Days of the Week - Dyddiau'r wythnos

• Monday   -    Dydd Llun,

• Tuesday   -   Dydd Mawrth,

• Wednesday -   Dydd Mercher,

• Thursday   -  Dydd Iau,

• Friday  -  Dydd Gwener,

• Saturday   -  Dydd Sadwrn,

•Sunday  -  Dydd Sul

Misoedd – Months of the Year

•Ionawr   –   January

•Chwefror  –   February

•Mawrth   –   March

•Ebrill   –   April

•Mai   –   May

•Mehefin   –   June

•Gorffennaf –   July

•Awst   –   August

•Medi   –   September

•Hydref  –   October

•Tachwedd   –   November

•Rhagfyr   -   December

Penblwydd Hapus             Happy Birthday

•Nadolig Llawen                 Happy Christmas

•Blwyddyn Newydd Dda    Happy New Year

•Pasg Hapus                      Happy Easter

•1 - un,

•2 - dau,

•3 - tri,

•4 -  pedwar,

•5 - pump,

•6 - chwech,

•7 - saith,

•8 -  wyth,

•9 -  naw,

•10 - deg

Eisteddwch           Sit

•Sefwch                    Stand

•Ewch                     Go

•Dewch                   Come

Mae hi’n amser…..chwarae / cinio / mynd adref / cofrestr / tacluso.

•It’s…… playtime / dinnertime /   home time / register /  tidy up time.

•Bore da               Good morning

•Prynhawn da      Good afternoon

•Noswaith dda     Good evening

•Nos da                Good night

•Hwyl fawr           Good Bye

•Pwy wyt ti?/Be ydy d’enw di? 

•Who are you/What’s your name?

•……… ydw i    

•I’m ………

•Sut wyt ti?             How are you?

•Bendigedig / Gwych     Fantastic

•Da iawn diolch              Very well thanks

•Ofnadwy                        Terrible

•Wedi blino                     Tired

•Hapus/trist                     Happy/sad
