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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning has always been a key strength of our school and is an important part of our curriculum. Participation in outdoor learning gives children opportunities and challenges that allow them to achieve our school vision:

  • to be kind
  • to be safe
  • to be valued
  • to be our best.


We are delighted that the new curriculum recognises what we have always known is important, that learning outdoors benefits children in numerous ways and inparticular their health and wellbeing. This is why children in all classes in our school take part in outdoor learning at all times of the year.


God will guide us to be:


Outdoor learning provides real and purposeful contexts for children to work together, solve problems and develop an awareness of their own feelings and emotions. This is the foundation upon which empathy can be developed, which enables children to act in a way which supports the mental health and emotional well-being of others. 



At times when learning outdoors, children are exposed to a degree of managed risk. Learning how to manage risks and make activities safer gives children the skills to keep themselves and others safe. Children gain from stepping outside of their comfort zone and from more engaging experiences. These produce more opportunities for healthy growth and development – all of which is likely to lead to them having a happier childhood and becoming more resilient, competent and confident people.



Learning outdorors helps children to develop positive, informed behaviours that encourage them both to care for and respect themselves and others. These behaviours support learners’ sense of self-worth, their overall mood and energy levels. It encourages them to develop the confidence, motivation, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that can help them lead healthy and active lifestyles which promote good physical health and well-being. 


Our Best

Learning outdoors can help children to understand how decisions and actions impact on themselves, on others and on wider society, both now and in the future. Experiencing the wonder of the natural world can contribute to learners’ spiritual development and well-being, and can help to cultivate in them a sense of place and sense of belonging. Outdoor learning nurtures children's curiosity, helping them to understand and appreciate how and why places, landscapes and environments are changing.

Outdoor learning in Year 1/2

This term we have learned about fire safety and using tools correctly. We have dug out a pond to encourage some wildlife in the spring time. Mud pies and crowns have been created using natural objects. To shelter from the wind and the rain we used the willow branches to build dens.


But mainly we have enjoyed feeling the sun on our faces, the wind in our hair and sound of the birds singing


We love forest school!

Outdoor Learning in Year 5/6

This term we have:

  • planted spring bulbs
  • worked together to sovle problems such as creating a waterproof shelter, which we then tested!
  • created self-portraits using natural materials
  • harvested and tasted apples from our garden
  • weeded and tidied our garden
  • created a compost heap.


Next term we will be:

  • planting a hedgerow and finding out how this will help wildlife
  • using hand tools to make using wood