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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

Prayer Stations

Prayer stations are set up in school to give children the opportinuty to think and reflect about important events and Christian values. Take a look at our most recent and past prayer stations.


Our Christian value this half-term is Compassion. We are thinking and praying about those who are experiencing difficult times.

Autumn 1st half-term: Generosity

This half-term in school we have been thinking about the Christian value, ‘Generosity.’ Children have been saying and writing prayers of thanks for their and others' generosity. You can see how generous children have been by how full the jars are! 

The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Children had the opportunity to think and reflect about the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
