Governors of Church Aided Schools have always had more responsibilities than their counterparts in other county sectors but since the Education Reform Act (1988), Parliament has given even more responsibility to school governing bodies and a range of powers to carry out those duties. Minera Aided Primary School is the Parish school, not just the village school. It is, therefore, entitled to draw pupils from anywhere in the Parish but is not obliged to admit a child who does not satisfy some or all of the criteria set out in the Admissions Policy. The Governors have the authority to make decisions on admissions.
The role of the governing body of Minera School is a partnership between Governors and the Headteacher.
Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the School is run.
Governors are appointed to help the Headteacher and Staff of the School to: -
School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together as a Governing Body. They cannot act individually. There are 14 Governors who each serve for 4 years.
The categories of Governor are: -
Parent Governors bring the view of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals, not as delegates or mouthpieces of the parents. They do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body.
Sue Banner - Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor
Will Ollerhead -Vice Chair of Governors and Community Governor
Sally Roberts-Dennis - Local Authority Governor
Marie Owen - Foundation Governor
Kathryn Rees-Wright - Foundation Governor
Nicola Griffith - Foundation Governor
Emma Lambert - Foundation Governor
Jenny Smallman - Foundation Governor
Alison Salmons - Parent Governor
Jane Tennant- Teacher Governor
Kelly Armstrong - Staff Governor
Jayne Underwood- Clerk to Governors
Spencer Williams - Headteacher