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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

Busy term ahead

We have a busy half term planned and would like to share the following key dates with you.


· 1st – Ash Wednesday Service at St Mary’s Church starting at 10am.

· 3rd – School Eisteddfod. Children can wear Welsh Costume (traditional, rugby, football kits or anything red etc). Year 5/6 Swimming Starts

· 10th – World Book Day. Children can dress up as their favourite book character

· 23rd – Non Uniform Day. Bring items for Bingo Night and School Council Film Night

· 31st – Easter Bingo at 6pm


· 5th – Friends of Minera Easter Disco

· 7th – Palm Sunday Service at St Mary’s Church and School Closes for Easter Holidays


Please note our Eisteddfod and World Book Day are on different dates to other schools.
