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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

Christmas Events Date Chanages

Snow and freezing temperatures have caused a great deal of disruption over the last couple of days in school. It is a very difficult decision to close and one that is not taken lightly but the health and safety of pupils, staff and parents are important. Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding whilst we have been experiencing difficult weather conditions.

This disruption has affected many school events, some of these events have been rescheduled. See below for a list of changes.

Christmas Presentations
Our Christmas Presentations have been rescheduled from this week.

Friday 15th December
Dress Rehearsals. Parents and friends, family are welcome to watch the Foundation Phase Dress Rehearsal, starting at 2pm

Monday 18th December
KS2 Presentations at 1:30pm and 6pm.

Tuesday 19th December
Nursery Presentation at 10:30am

Wednesday 20th December
Foundation Phase Presentations 2pm

All presentations will take place at St Mary’s Church with the exception of Nursery which will be held in school.

Christmas Fair
Our Christmas Fair will be rescheduled for the new year. Friends of Minera will communicate a new date shortly.


Updated Diary of Events




14th December

Year 5/6 Swimming

  • Last swimming lesson of the term

15th December

Dress Rehearsals

  • Junior in morning at St Mary’s Church.
  • Foundation Phase in Afternoon at St Mary’s Church. Juniors to watch.
  • Parents and friends, family are welcome to watch the Foundation Phase Dress Rehearsal, starting at 2pm.

Christmas Jumper Day

  • Children may come to school wearing Christmas Jumpers. Any donations will go to Save The Children.

18th December

Junior Christmas Presentations

  • 1:30pm and 6pm at St Mary’s Church
  • Children can go home after the performance as long as they are accompanied by an adult

19th December

Nursery Christmas Presentation

  • 10:30am in school

20th December

Foundation Phase Christmas Presentation at St Mary’s Church

  • 2pm at St Mary’s Church
  • Children can go home after the performance as long as they are accompanied by an adult

Christmas Disco

  • 4:30pm to 6pm for all year groups.

21st December

Junior Christmas Party

  • Junior children can wear party clothes

22nd December


Foundation Phase Christmas Party

  • Foundation Phase children can wear party clothes

School Closes for Christmas



Should any further changes be required then these will be communicated to you.

Yours sincerely

Mr Williams

