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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

Covid Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we are now at Covid Alert Level Zero in Wales most Covid restrictions have been lifted.


The following core measures will continue to be in place in school:

  • Do not attend school if you have Covid symptoms or have tested positive. Please follow the guidance for self-isolation and testing.
  • Schools must ensure that learners clean their hands regularly, including when they arrive at school, when they return from breaks, when they change rooms and before and after eating, use of toilets etc.
  •  Ensure good hand and respiratory hygiene by promoting regular handwashing and the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ approach for coughs and sneezes.
  • Improve ventilation by opening windows.
  • Maintain appropriate levels of cleaning.


However, as a result of the lifting of restrictions a number of changes have been made to daily running of the school:

  • Face coverings will no longer have to be worn on the school site unless close contact is difficult to avoid.
  • There will no longer be two separate contact groups (Foundation Phase and Key Stage Two). Children will be able to mix together, e.g. using the school field at lunchtimes and whole school collective worship will resume.


We will continue to operate the one-way system on the Junior Yard for Year 1/2 and Junior children at dropping off and picking up times for the foreseeable future as this reduces congestion at the school gates.


After half term, we will be looking at planning our usual summer events for families to attend, e.g., sports day, summer fair and Year 6 leaver’s service.


However, should Covid cases increase within school, the required mitigations to reduce the Covid risk at will be re-introduced.


Kind regards,

Spencer Williams - Headteacher 
