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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

Friday 18th October - Harvest and Show Racism the Red Card Day

Friday is going to be a busy day in school. We will be holding our Harvest Service and taking part in Show Racism the Red Card Day.



Our Harvest Service is scheduled to place on Friday 18th October. Unfortunately, we are unable to hold our Harvest Service at St Mary’s Church this year as the roof is being replaced. The service will now take place in school but sadly we will not be able to invite family and friends to our service due the limited space in the school hall.


This year, we ask for donations of non-perishable food that will be donated to the Wrexham Foodbank, a very worthy cause. Please can your child bring in one of the following items:

• Tinned fruit

• Pasta sauce

• Tinned fish

• Tinned meat

• Long life milk

• Pasta

• Cereal

• Long grain rice


Show Racism the Red Card Day


We aim to support the ‘Wear Red Day Campaign’ on Friday. This is to demonstrate our schools support for Show Racism the Red Card and fight against racism in society. Wear Red Day aims to spread the message of anti-racism throughout the U.K. Please come to school dressed in something red, please don’t go out of your way to buy something new, it could something as simple as an accessory e.g. hair bobble/clip etc.


Kind Regards,

Spencer Williams

