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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

Headteacher News - Monday 16th January

We had a very wintry end to the week last week but thankfully we did not have much snow.


On Friday, the school choir were very busy, they sang at Cherry Tree Nursing Home and held a bag packing fundraiser at Morrisons in Wrexham. They raised £100 and I would like to thank Mrs Edmonds for organising this activity and parents for helping with transport. Year 5/6 enjoyed their first Numeracy lesson with Wrexham FC, please could I remind all pupils to ensure they have the appropriate kit for outdoor PE on Wednesday. 


I was very impressed with our attendance last week, see our home page for more information. Keep the excellent work!


We have introduced new Christian Values themes for children to explore. Every half term, our school looks at a different Christian Value that we try to instil in our everyday practice. On our monthly newsletter, we will make reference to these values and we ask that parents try to reinforce each value at home. Our Christian Value for this half term is Courage.


Whats happening this week?

3:30pm - Friends of Minera Meeting in School


Year 3/4 Swimming

Outdoor Learning - depending on the weather


Please remember that my door is always open to discuss any issues you may have...

Kind Regards,
Mr Williams
