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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

Minera Remembrance Service - Saturday 9th November 2019 (Tomorrow)

We have been invited by Minera Community Council to attend the annual Remembrance Service at the War Memorial in Minera on Saturday 9th November (tomorrow).

The order of events is as follows:
10:30am – Children meet at School (Please wear school uniform)
10.45am - Service at Minera War Memorial by the bus shelter. Readings, prayers, minute silence at 11am, laying of wreaths and crosses will take place. Children will be laying crosses at the memorial.


Everyone is then cordially invited for refreshments, which the Tyn y Capel, have very kindly provided. As this event is taking place on a Saturday, children must be accompanied by an adult. Your presence at this event would be greatly valued.
