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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

Pets as Therapy Visit - Monday 10th June 2024

We are pleased to inform you that Minera VA School has registered for Pets as Therapy visits, these visits  can help to give children opportunities to increase their confidence and sense of well-being.


On Monday 10th June, each class will be taking part in their first Pets as Therapy session.  Two dogs called Phoebe and Cleo are registered dogs owned by Sue Banner (Chair of Governors and Grandparent) will be visiting school. When Phoebe and Cleo are in school, they will be under the close supervision of their  owner and a member of the school staff.  These dogs are specially registered dogs who normally visit in hospitals, hospices, care homes etc.  They will remain on the lead and under control at all times.  A member of school staff will lead the sessions and will be present throughout.


If you do not consent for your child to take part in the session, please email



Thank you for your support.


Kind regards,


Spencer Williams




