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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

School Reports

Today, you will receive your child's end of year report. I trust you find it informative, comprehensive and an accurate reflection of the year’s work. I hope it provides a basis upon which you can discuss with your child his/her achievements and progress for this year. Following feedback from parents, we have changed the format of our reports this year.


Foundation Phase and National Curriculum Levels
This year, we have included the current level of attainment and a target level for the end of Foundation Phase (Year 2) or Key Stage 2 (Year 6). The table below will help to explain Foundation Phase Outcomes and National Curriculum Levels.

  • Children from Nursery to Year 2 are assessed against the Foundation Phase Outcomes

  • Children from Year 3 to 6 are assessed against National Curriculum Levels

Foundation Phase Outcomes

National Curriculum Outcomes









5 *This is the expected outcome for an average Year 2 pupil





4 * This is the expected level for an average Year 6 pupil






National Numeracy and Reading Test Results

Also enclosed is a copy of your child’s National Numeracy and Reading Test Reports. As you may remember children from Year 2 onwards sat tests in May. The tests had a span of two year groups (Yr2-Yr3, Yr4-Yr5, Yr6 –Yr7 and Yr 8 –Yr9).

You will see two sets of scores on the report:

  1. Age Standardisation – this tells you how well your child had done compared with other children of the same age who took the test at the same time.

  2. Progress score – this tells you how well your child has done compared to every other learner taking the test and allows you to track achievement.

    There are several things to consider:

  • At times, the result may not be a true reflection of a child’s ability, as some were worried and nervous and not used to test conditions.

  • Year 6 children completed a test that included two year groups (Yr6 and Yr7).

  • Some children did not finish the test due to time constraints.

  • It is expected that scores will vary year on year.

  • The National Tests are just one piece in the jigsaw of your child’s progress. It is very important to consider all assessment evidence rather than focusing on one test result to make a judgement on progress in all areas of literacy and numeracy.

  • We will be analysing test scores to help to develop individual learning programmes and targets for our children for the next academic year.


Your child’s overall percentage attendance is included in the report with a colour coding, for example if they are in a ‘green category’ their attendance is excellent. If you require a full print out of attendance marks, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Should you wish to discuss any aspects of the report, please contact your child’s class teacher to arrange an appointment.

I have included a Family Feedback Form and I would appreciate any feedback on the new style of reports.


Many Thanks

Mr Williams

