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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

The admissions window for Funded Early Education (for children who turn 3 in the Autumn Term is now open and closes on 25th October 2024. Please contact school for further details.

School Update - Monday 12th December

Dear Parent/Carer,


As you are probably aware, we are currently experiencing high levels of staff and pupil absence due to a number of positive Covid cases and other illnesses in school.   


This will have an impact on the daily running of the school and staff are doing everything to provide the best possible education for our children during this challenging time. 


This week, Mrs Armstrong is absent so there will be nobody covering the school office. If you wish to contact school either leave a message on the answer machine or send an email and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.  During school hours, there may be a delay in answering the front door.


This is a reminder about school's covid guidance 



  • Pupils who present with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and/ or a cough can go to school if they feel well enough (For a full list see Welsh Government Guidance). 
  • Pupils with a high temperature (37.8 degrees or above) are to stay off school until they no longer have a high temperature. 
  • If a parent chooses to test and a pupil tests positive for COVID-19 using a lateral flow test kit they should remain in isolation for 5 days (after the day of the test). 

Please note: 

There is no legal requirement to test children using lateral flow tests and test kits are no longer freely available.  



Although you may feel well you could be putting others at increased risk of catching COVID-19 and their symptoms could potentially be worse than your own. 


Please Note: 


There is no legal requirement for staff to test themselves using lateral flow tests and test kits are no longer freely available.


Also, I have included a link for the Exclusion Period for Common Infections form Public Health Wales which outlines the exclusion periods from school for pupils with common infections such as chicken pox and sickness.


Exclusion Period for Common Infections


Kind regards,


Spencer Williams
