Home Page

Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a lovely half term break. Here are a few reminders about what is happening in school over the next couple of weeks:


  • Year 3 and 4 will be swimming every Friday afternoon until December
  • Saturday 9th November - Minera Remembrance Service. Please meet at 10:30am at school.
  • Friday 16th November - Year 3 and 4 Class Service and Children in Need Cake Sale at breaktime. We need donations to sell on our stall.
  • Tuesday 26th November - Year 1 and 2 visiting Erddig
  • Thursday 28th November - Friends of Minera Film Night
  • Friday 29th November - Non Uniform Day. Donations needed for our Christmas Fair.

I will write to you shortly to confirm December diary dates.


Best wishes

Mr Williams

