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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school and to the second half of the Summer Term. I hope everyone had a lovely half term break and that you are ready to come back to school for an exciting half term.

General Election Polling Station

On Thursday 8th June the school hall will be used as a polling station for the General Election. There will be no breakfast club nor will there be any school dinners served on this day. Pupils are required to bring a packed lunch. Anyone wanting Mrs. Roberts to prepare a packed lunch for them must let us know on Monday. After School Club will operate as usual.

Pentecost Service
Our Pentecost Service at St Mary’s Church will now take place on Thursday 8th June starting at 10am. The service was originally scheduled for Tuesday 6th June but this clashed with the Year 1/2 Jambori.

Diary Dates


5th – School reopens
6th – Year 1&2 Jambori
8th – Election Day – Hall out of Use (No Breakfast Club or School Dinners) Pentecost Service at St Mary’s Church
12th – Bikeability for Year 6
19th – Nant BH Residential Visit
23rd – Non Uniform Day
29th – Induction Day/Moving Up Day
30th – Summer Fair

4th – Year 5/6 Llangollen Eisteddfod Visit
20th – Leaver’s Disco
21st – Leaver’s Service at St Mary’s Church and School Closes for Summer Holidays


Please remember that my door is always open to discuss any issues you may have……..


Mr Williams