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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

What's happening in school next week? w/b Monday 12th November

Monday 12th November

Outdoor Learning - AM Year 1/2    PM Year 5/6

3:15pm - Dodgeball with George (£2 per session)


Wednesday 14th November
Football After School with Mr Barnes and Mr Smallman


Thursday 15th November

Year 3/4 Swimming - first session


3:15pm to 4:15pm - Footie 4 Kids

Friday 16th November 


Children In Need - Children can wear spots or non uniform instead of normal school uniform for a small donation in aid of Children in Need


T4U Shoe Boxes - Please drop off your Shoeboxes from 12th November to 16th November

School Dinners - Week 2 of Menu

Breakfast Club - Don't forget our Breakfast Club is open from 7:50am until 8:50am. Please note, there will be no crossing patrol until 8am.


Thank you for all you kind donations of items for our Christmas Fair. Please note we have changed the date of our Christmas Fair to Friday 30th November.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Williams
