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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

What's happening in school next week? W/C Monday 11th November 2019


am - Outdoor Learning (Y1/2 and Y3/4)

Year 5/6 PE

3:15pm to 4:15pm - Dodegball

Tuesday No Cookery

No Cookery

3:30pm - Friends of Minera Meeting. Everyone welcome!

Thursday 3:15pm to 4:15pm - Footie 4 Kids

9:15am - Year 3/4 Class Service in School. Everyone welcome!

am - Outdoor Learning (Nursery/Reception)

10:30am - Children in Need Cake Sale. Children will be able to buy cakes for 20p.  We would welcome donations for cakes for this event.

pm - Outdoor Learning Year 1/2

Year 5/6 PE

1:30pm - Year 3/4 Swimming


School Dinner Menu - Week 2


Children enjoy playing on our school field and its now becoming very wet and muddy. If children wish to continue to use the field at lunchtimes, please could bring a pair of wellies so their school shoes do not get muddy
