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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

What's Happening in School on Thursday and Friday

Our last two days in school are very busy, here is a reminder of what is happening.


Thursday 15th December

Reindeer Run

  • 11:00 am – Foundation Phase
  • 12:40 pm – Afternoon Nursery
  • 1:00 pm – Juniors
  • Please could you bring in any sponsor money by Friday at the very latest. The event will take place on the playground and children can wear their normal uniform (Foundation Phase) or Christmas party clothes (Juniors). Children will be given reindeer antlers for the event, which they can keep.

Junior Party Afternoon

  • Juniors can wear a Christmas jumper,  anything Christmas themed or party clothes. Lunch will be as normal unlike previous years.

Friday 16th December

Christmas Jumper Day

  • All children are welcome to come to school on this day wearing a Christmas jumper or anything Christmas themed that they may have e.g. Santa hat, elf costume, homemade jumper decorated with tinsel etc. We will not be asking for donations on this occasion, however if you would like to make a donation to Nightingale House, please feel free to do so.


  • Our kitchen staff ,we be preparing a special Christmas Party Food Menu at lunchtime. The cost will be £2.25 for Foundation Phase and £2.30 for Junior children. Please order as normal.

Foundation Phase Party Afternoon

  • Foundation Phase Children can wear a Christmas jumper,  anything Christmas themed as it is Christmas Jumper Day.  Lunch will be as normal unlike previous years, see above for details.


  • School Closes for Christmas Holidays.