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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

What's happening in school this week? Week beginning 11th March

Day Activity
  • Juniors Residential Visit to Nant BH
  • Outdoor Learning
    am - Year 1/2  
  • 3:15pm to 4:15pm - Dodgeball with George
  • Juniors Residential Visit to Nant BH
  • Juniors Residential Visit to Nant BH
  • 12:30pm - Dance with Amanda
  • Year 3/4 Swimming
  • 3:15pm to 4:15pm - Footie 4 Kids
  • Comic Relief Day

    Children are invited to wear their Red Noses and non-uniform for a small donation to Comic Relief.

  • 9:15am - Nursery and Reception Class Worship in School Hall. Everyone welcome!


School Dinner Menu - Week 2 (See menu below)


Breakfast Club - Our arrangements for Breakfast Club have changed since half term. I would like to remind everyone of the opening times:

7:50am to 8:15am - £1 per child

8:15am to 8:50am - Free

If you pay online, please let Mrs Roberts know on the door in the morning to avoid any confusion.


Good luck to our Junior children who are visiting Nant BH this week. I would like to thank in advance Mr Barnes, Mrs Oldfield and Miss Davies for accompanying the children on this visit! I'm sure you will all have a great time!


Pokémon Cards - Please could children leave their cards at home as we have had a couple of incidents with cards last week. Thank you in advance.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Williams 
