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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Have a great summer!

What's happening in school? Week beginning Monday 11th February

These are the main events in school this week....


Monday 11th February

  • Outdoor Learning
    am - Year 1/2 (Please could children come to school in their uniforms and they can then change for outdoor learning after their photograph)
    pm - Year 3/4
  • 9am - Class Photographs
  • 3:15pm to 4:15pm - Dodgeball with George


Tuesday 12th February

  • Young Voice Concert in Manchester


Thursday 14th February

  • 12:30pm to 1pm - Dance with Amanda (Year 1 to Year 6 welcome!)
  • 1:30pm - Year 5/6 Swimming
  • 3:15pm to 4:15pm - Footie4Kids
  • 4:30pm to 6pm - Friends of Minera Valentine's Disco


Friday 15th February

  • Outdoor Learning for Nursery/Reception


Parents Evening - Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th February

Please return all appointment slips by Monday 11th February at 9am or alternatively you can book online at


Nursery Application for September 2019

We have received a large number of applications for our Nursery Class for September. You can still apply online at The closing date for applications is Friday 22nd February.


School Dinners
Week 3 this week ( see below for details)


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Williams

