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Minera Voluntary Aided Primary School

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September.

What's happening this week?

Monday 19th 

3:15pm - Dodgeball with George


Tuesday 20th 

3:15pm - Street Dance with Amanda


Wednesday 21st 

Swimming Gala - Please could all children be in school by 8:55am as we are leaving at 9am.


Thursday 22nd

Year 3/4 Swimming
3:15pm - Multi Sports Club with Footie Kids 

5:00pm to 6:00pm - Easter Disco. Please note later start time.


Friday 23rd

10:00am - Palm Sunday Service at St Mary's Church. Everyone welcome. Nursery children will be staying in school.

3:15pm - School Closes for Easter Holidays


Happy Easter. School re-opens on Tuesday 10th April (Monday 9th April is a Staff Training Day)


